Washington County
Mental Health Care Coordination
and TCM Plus
This Child and Family Services program provides mental health care coordination to children and youth up to age 18 who have mental health needs. Care Coordinators meet with children, families, and their support network in the community, in school, or at home to best meet the child and family's needs.
The Care Coordinator works with the child and family to set and achieve their own goals. MHCC focuses on addressing mental health, physical health, education, finances, and socialization to create stability and promote healthy growth and development while the child and families gain independence. Care Coordinators help families apply for benefits, secure stable housing, communicate with schools, connect to community-based resources, and provide transportation to appointments when needed.
High-intensity services are available for children and youth who have been hospitalized or placed out of the home.
TCM Plus Services are available to children who meet the above criteria but have private insurance.

Meet the Team
Compassionate about mental health care.
Passionate about people.

Shelly Zullinger
Program Director

Ashley Merricks
Child & Family Services
Program Manager